English translation for "file with extension"
- 带扩展名的文件
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | For example , you can add a new file with extension . vb to a project created with a visual basic project template 例如,可向使用visual basic项目模板创建的项目中添加扩展名为. vb的新文件。 | | 2. | Sometimes when click to listenwatch the online livearchive , why does the browser come with a message " cannot open file with extension smilsmiramrarm " 为甚么在收听或收看网上直播或重温时,有些时候会出现"不能播放smilsmiramrarm档案"的字句? | | 3. | Sometimes when click to listen watch the online live archive , why does the browser come with a message " cannot open file with extension smil smi ram ra rm " 为甚么在收听或收看网上直播或重温时,有些时候会出现"不能播放smil smi ram ra rm档案"的字句? |
- Similar Words:
- "file utility" English translation, "file utilization" English translation, "file variable" English translation, "file volatility" English translation, "file volume" English translation, "file word" English translation, "file write" English translation, "file writing" English translation, "file, element list (elf)" English translation, "file, help" English translation